Distinct from how we should handle this site's logo, this question is asking for your actual submissions.
Submit a small and banner logo as an image in your answer.
We'll let votes and comment to help us decide with the following restrictions:
- We'll review with SDL legal and marketing, especially for anything that uses an SDL trademark
- We should also keep a copy of the original sources in a high-resolution (vector-based?) format if possible.
- We may postpone selection until after the private beta.
- 48 x 48 pixels for the small version (is this the right size?)
- 290 x 120 pixels for the large banner version
- We may want to combine and "redo" idea submissions to meet the above restrictions.
(using image dimensions from http://stackexchange.com/ for references)
See ideas and preferences from the first question on how to handle the logo.
Update: If/when we get to open beta we'll confirm approaches with SDL Marketing, open this up to the public, and choose a winner. We may still want to re-design the final suggestion to fit multiple sizes, avoid copyright issues, etc.