As a follow-up to the past reminders, SDL has sponsored an annual community award for SDL Web (Tridion) knowledge online sharing since 2009, for the 2010 award year.

Please consider nominating individuals that have helped you or others online that meet the MVP criteria. Nominees are accepted anytime, but we evaluate individual contributions between January and December.

"To nominate an individual to the MVP Award, send an email to sdl.tridion.mvp (at) sdl.com with the following information:

  • Nominee's name
  • Nominee's email address
  • Nominee's country (where nominee lives/works)
  • Specific examples of why this nominee should be rewarded, including relevant links to places where this nominee has shown his full potential, such as:

    • Personal websites
    • Community extensions
    • Forum threads (Tridion StackExchange)
    • SDL Tridion Ideas website
    • Social network sites"

No nominations here, please.

You can nominate SDL employees (who are eligible for an internal award) and self-nominations are okay if you worry noone noticed your contributions.

Not sure what this is about or want to reminisce? Let me plug my unofficial plugs for the program:

Nominations accepted until December 31 for next year's award.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the seventh year in the award program goes. Good luck to the nominees and thanks for sharing!


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