In our very first question on Tridion meta 'How strict should we be on the Q&A format?' We decided the purpose of this site is to allow both general ‘best practices’ type questions which are likely to generate subjective answers and more specific questions which will generate objective answers.
I am a little worried we are starting to see some questions that go beyond even what we envisioned when that meta question was posed.
Despite the up votes it has received, as written, the question 'Examples of altered XSL files for Rich-Text fields' doesn’t really seem like a good fit for the Q&A format of this site.
The OP hints at what they are trying to do (block script tags) but then proceeds to ask for generic examples of XSLs for rich text fields. This just seems to be very overly broad in nature; while Bart provided a good pratical example of an XSL in his answer, basically any working XSL would be a valid answer.
I do think it would be entirely possible for the OP to re-write the question so it addresses a specific need
So, is the question ‘Examples of altered XSL files for Rich-Text fields’ a good fit for the site? If not, what should we do with it? Close, rewrite, ask the OP to consider re-writing?