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4 votes

Deletion of the content-porter-web8 tag?

We can merge it into content-porter - that's probably the cleanest way to do it?
Rob Stevenson-Leggett's user avatar
4 votes

10 years on StackExchange

Here's my list: The day that Google broke Tridion. The age-old question about how to fix what Tridion "knows" about your content And of course, this wouldn't be a developer-focused ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
  • 29.1k
4 votes

Should we take Tridion Docs questions here?

It makes sense. I'd say we should welcome these questions. Considering that the two will be sold as part of the same product, from our point of view it's almost as though the product just got some new ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
3 votes

Should we take Tridion Docs questions here?

I agree Nuno. Having larger community can really boost up this stack. Besides this, having new users can be beneficial to both Tridion Sites and Tridion Docs (someone might dive in both if not ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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3 votes

10 years on StackExchange

Anything by Alex Klock. Even his decade-old answers about GUI extensions are still solid. Makes me wonder who will step up to be the new Alex when T10 comes out.
Quirijn's user avatar
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2 votes

10 years on StackExchange

I'd like to highlight my question about Example Tridion Reports on Tridion Meta as an example of the trust and transparency we have in the community, with an open approach that takes time and effort ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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2 votes

How to best welcome newcomers in our community

Firstly - kudos for using an example where your own "please edit" comment also comes into question. Walking the walk... way to kick off an open and self-critical discussion. I think I agree with ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
2 votes

Did you nominate MVPs for 2017?

Quick update - not really an answer, as this question is rather rhetorical... We have received 33 nominations this year. Selection is in progress. Expect results before end of January. Good luck ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
  • 29.1k

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