This is My **SECOND** entry to the Bookmarklet Challenge - **Localize An Item**

My entry is meant to Localize a selected Item. To Test follow steps below:

 - Add a BookMark in your browser and Name it - Multimedia Info (or whatever you like)
 - In the URL field of the Bookmark enter following code:

    *javascript: (function (p, a, n, k, aj, G) { try { while (aj = p.frames[n++]) { if ((k = aj.$display && aj.$display.getView()) && k.getId() == a) { G = k; break; } } var m1 =[1]; var myitem = G.getMainInterface().getListSelection(); var selectedItem = m1.$models.getItem(myitem.getVersionlessIds()[0]);[1].$models.getItem(selectedItem.getId()).localize();} catch (x) {}; })(, 'DashboardView', 0);*

 - In the Tridion Content Manager Explorer, select any item that you wish to localize (In the Right Pane and not in the tree)

 - Execute this Bookmarklet and you will experience that the item is localized without any further step

**Test Result:** So far has been successfully tested on Latest Chrome and IE 11